Training in Lübeck

The "Interne Weiterbildung" together with the Center of Doctoral Studies Lübeck of Lübeck University offer special courses for doctoral researchers. You find the current offers here. Graduate School on youtube.

Enclosed you will find information on curricula and lectures or course offers, which might be useful for your doctoral researchers. Please speak to your mentor about this.

As for the lectures offered for medical studies and Master’s degree programmes please contact the coordinators beforehand and make sure that there are vacancies.

For information the videos about students of different fields in Lübeck might also be usefull.

subject specific  

talks / journal clubs

  • Distinguished Lecture Series organized by the RTG 1727, IRTG 1911, CRU 303 and EX 306
    on selected Thursdays, at 5pm, seminar room AM S1 (Audimax)
  • Journal Club ISEF (Institut für systemische Entzündungsforschung)
    every second Tuesday (uneven weeks) at 5 p.m
    generally: Hörsaal H1 (Turmgebäude), (please check the newsletter)
  • Kolloquium Molekulare Zellbiologie
    on Thursdays at 5:15 p.m. during the semester
    University of Lübeck, Audimax, AM4

soft skills / language courses

As all the doctoral researchers of the RTG are registered at the Graduate Center in Kiel also the ones from Lübeck may make use of the Kiel offers at: