
In the structured doctoral student programme we offer doctoral researchers the chance to

  • complete their doctorate within a maximum of three years,
  • gain qualification for national and international postdoctoral work at academic institutions or in industry,
  • learn how to communicate across many specialties and disciplines,
  • obtain knowledge from other fields (e.g. biologist from mathematical and informatics sciences and vice versa).

           RTG 1743 - Qualification Programme

The scientific work, which covers the main part of the education, is combined with

  • individualized learning, especially field specific or interdisciplinary training,
  • Internal Meetings*, every second month (talks of / discussions with guest scientists and doctoral students, poster presentations and more),
  • a yearly retreat*,
  • conference / lab  visits,
  • an international symposium* in the third year,
  • soft skill trainings.

       *organized by the doctoral students

Within this challeniging programme the doctoral reserachers receive a comprehensive education for the tasks to come in their future scientific career.
Two internal supervisors and an external supervisory board advise each doctoral researcher during her / his doctorate. For more information see:

  • Doctorate : General information about the doctorate and services offered by the universities in Kiel and Lübeck
  • Training : Information on courses, talks, conferences / soft skill trainings which are mandatory