Proteomic analysis of inflammatory bowel disease relevant microbes

Associated Doctoral Researcher

Associated Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr.

Background and current state of research

Single microorganisms as well as the dynamics in microbiome composition play an essential role in maintaining gut homeostasis and are known to be altered in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). While changes on microbiota compositions have been well-investigated in healthy and diseased IBD patients on a genetic basis, functional data on its disease-modulating potential are largely missing and its usefulness as a discriminate marker for IBD needs improvement. Defining detailed metabolite and protein profiles and gaining knowledge about bioactivities of specific molecules in their direct interaction with the host, within bacterial communities, is a pre-requisite for a better functional understanding of the gut microbiome in the context of IBD.

This is a research project within the DFG Research Unit F5042 miTarget.

Our goals

In-depth characterization of defined bacterial mono and co-co-cultures, grown under different environmental growth conditions, for subsequent quantitative proteome analysis. Furthermore we aim to analyze the occurrence of posttranslational modifications, a major emphasis will be laid on oxidative modifications and modifications on Sulphur coating amino acids residues. In addition, we will apply and, if necessary, develop suitable proteomics technologies further for the enrichment strategies and LC-MS analysis of such modifications.